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  • Sump Pump Drainage

    The rain has stopped but we are still receiving very high flows at the Wastewater Treatment Plant. If you have a sump pump in your house, please remember this can not be pumped into the City’s sewer system. Any hoses leading to a drain in your house should be disconnected immediately.

  • Bulk Water Dispenser - Out of Order

    The City’s bulk water dispenser, located at the Water Pollution Control Facility, is out of order. Parts have been ordered and are expected to arrive Tuesday. An alternative location is the bulk water truck fill located on East Road in the Peony Farm.

  • Connect-Portage Emergency Notification Test

    On Thursday, May 9, 2024, at 2:00 pm, the City of Portage la Prairie will be sending out an emergency notification test message. The emergency notification test message will be distributed via email, text, and voice message to all cell phones registered with Connect-Portage and via voice message to all landlines listed in the white pages.

  • Emergency Preparedness Week 2024

    Are you prepared in the event of an emergency?

    Everyone has a role to play in an emergency. Emergency Preparedness Week is an opportunity to take action to ensure you are prepared to protect yourself, your family, and your community during an emergency. This year, the theme is Be Prepared. Know Your Risks. The intent of the theme is to encourage Canadians to understand the risks in their area and learn what actions they can take to protect themselves and their families.

  • Volunteer Homes Needed for Lead Testing Requirements

    Volunteer Homes Needed to Collect Drinking Water Samples for Random Daytime (RDT) Lead Testing Requirements.

  • Garbage Collection Reminders

    Garbage must be put out for collection before 7:00 a.m. on your collection day to ensure it is picked up. It should not be out for collection before 8:00 pm the day before collection day. There is a two bag/can limit on the amount of solid waste that will be picked up from the curb each collection day.

  • State of the City Address

    As delivered by Mayor Sharilyn Knox at the Portage la Prairie & District Chamber Event.

  • Portage Firefighters Burn Fund Bike Auction

    The 44th Annual Bike Auction takes place on Saturday, May 4, 2024.

  • Spring Cleanup Yard Waste Collection

    Spring is coming and the City of Portage is once again offering free curbside yard waste collection.  This year’s program will start Monday, April 22, 2024, and run for 4 collection cycles.  Yard waste is to be placed at the curb on your regular collection day no later than 7:00 a.m. 

  • Leaders from 11 Western Canadian cities issue formal request to Statistics Canada

    Leaders from 11 Western Canadian cities issue formal request to Statistics Canada: halt release of annual Crime Severity Index rankings until formal consultations are held with smaller communities and Indigenous leadership.

Contact Us

City Hall
97 Saskatchewan Ave E
Portage la Prairie, MB
R1N 0L8
Phone: 204-239-8309

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